Lost in translation

varalee Na pombejr (Thialnd)

Artist Statement:

Lunar, I am a girl nine years old who forced domestic violence, this time is my first time, to adventure in the real world. After trying out adventure in a fictional world, but this time I go out to Vienna.

Frequently, The adventure has found some beautiful things such as art culture, different cultures, and learning new things. However, we found out we still remain in the same position/situation Which means my exploration of this world was only a matter of interval.

Because women are seen as passive, so I bring language via die/ female in German and tram…she too, I see her like a context, railroads are a symbol of the coming of violence, who bring me out to adventure Vienna.

The project “Lunar” is the story of a girl, talking about familial relationships that depict the problem concerning violence. Presented in animation, Lunar set out on an adventure in a fictional world. This fictional adventure is based on the feelings towards each and every real-life event, using implication and semiotics as connections to the feeling of confusion, endurance, and others that are related to relationships in the family.

Lunar drew lines with her red pencil to count the days she needed to face. With space depleted, she created a new one to write and find a way out. And as she was in a closed room, she also erased to find a way.

Performance in a certain space, set like that of a gallery, is counted as a physical expression of an artist. Lunar was that artist who chose to express her feelings through painting, to let out something kept inside. Lunar made her performance in a closed space to get out to the open world. Painting is similar to creating an exit. Though she painted all over, there was no way out, and there did not seem to be anymore. Hopeless; Lunar chose to disappear by putting a bucket over her head, leaving the empty room with only red paint and a bucket. The true meaning of leaving home for an adventure is to seek freedom.

